
Sparkit turns marketing into sales.

On Sparkit, content creation is led by an army of fans and creators sponsored by marquee brands. Creators are able to tell stories from a personal perspective that builds brand recognition and drives sales directly.

Is social your business?

It’s ours too.  Sparkit click-throughs are predictable and trackable through to the final sale.  No wasted marketing dollars.  Seriously.

Cozy up to A-listers.

Align your Brand with top tier Creators without encroaching on existing endorsement deals.  Leverage personalized content and custom hashtags to strengthen the bond.

Bye-bye ad blockers!

No pop-ups required.  Sparkit fosters such a highly collaborative meaningful environment that Creators and Fans are self-motivated to engage directly with Brands.

Looking for Mr. Right?

Identify the “best” Creators for your Brand based on highest engagement level and lowest cost-per-click.  Opt in month-over-month to create laser-focused campaigns that cost you less.